Ryan Photographic - Nature Images from Around the World
This area will always be under construction
as I add images to both my database and this website. It will follow biological
nomenclature where it makes sense to do so. I have thousands of photos
that are not yet digitized so please contact me for any difficult to get or obscure
shots. I have a large collection of photos from all over the world. All fees are by negotiation but reflect competitive, current
market rates. Educators and students may use the low res shots on site free of charge as long as the photo is credited.

Links to more categories
This year's dive trip is to Paradise Taveuni, Fiji. Come join me!
My latest book: Wanderings in Central America: Crocs, Pyramids and Super Glue
Only $4.99 on Amazon - support a struggling artist!
Check out Paddy's book Kri Eco -Raja Ampat
The reefs around the Raja Ampat Islands are one of the glories of the planet. This book, based on three weeks and 43 dives at the Kri Eco Resort, is my tribute to this extraordinary dive destination.
Paddy in Belize, 2011. Photo by Dave Herrick.
“We sat on a crate of
oranges and thought what good men most biologists are, the tenors of the
scientific world—temperamental, moody, lecherous, loud-laughing, and healthy.
Once in a while one comes on the other kind—what used in the university to be
called a “dry-ball”—but such men are not really biologists. They are the
embalmers of the field, the picklers who see only the preserved form of life
without any of its principle. Out of their own crusted minds they create a world
wrinkled with formaldehyde. The true biologist deals with life, with teeming
boisterous life, and learns something from it, learns that the first rule of
life is living. The dry-balls cannot possibly learn a thing every starfish knows
in the core of his soul and in the vesicles between his rays. He must, so know
the starfish and the student biologist who sits at the feet of living things,
proliferate in all directions. Having certain tendencies, he must move along
their lines to the limit of their potentialities. And we have known biologists
who did proliferate in all directions: one or two have had a little trouble
about it. Your true biologist will sing you a song as loud and off-key as will a
blacksmith, for he knows that morals are too often diagnostic of prostatitis and
stomach ulcers. Sometimes he may proliferate a little too much in all
directions, but he is as easy to kill as any other organism, and meanwhile he is
very good company, and at least he does not confuse a low hormone productivity
with moral ethics.” John Steinbeck, The Log from the Sea of
Link to a recent article in FijiTime - the Fiji Airways inflight magazine
Here are the first 60 pages of Paradise in Fiji - my latest book
Proposed new layout for the third edition of Fiji's Natural Heritage is here.
Contact Paddy