Ryan Photographic -Aeolidiidae - Aeolid nudibranchs
Family Aeolidiidae
The familyAeolidiidae is represented by 101 species in 11 genera. Wikipedia states "Most, or perhaps all, members of this family feed on sea anemones and have a distinctive single row of comb-shaped serrated radular teeth". The beastie below might well be the most flambouyant nudibranch I have ever photographed.
Cerberilla ambonensis Ambon Cerberilla
Cerberilla ambonensis Ambon cerberilla (Aeolidiidae) Magic Bay Rao, Morotai P7053750
Cerberilla ambonensis Ambon Cerberilla (Aeolidiidae) Magic Bay Rao, Morotai P7053757