Ryan Photographic -
- Southwestern Pacific Terrestrial Pulmonates
Family Rhytididae
The family Rhytididae is represented by around 182 species in 49 genera (assuming I wasn't distracted by shiny objects while counting). Members of the family are usually predatory, and in the case of the New Zealand Powelliphanta can reach large sizes (10cm across the shell). The family seems to be totally Southwetern Pacific in its distribution with the majority of species in Australia, New Zealand and Fiji.
Powelliphanta annectens Oparara Powelliphanta

Powelliphanta annectens Oparara Powelliphanta, Oparara, New Zealand

Powelliphanta annectens Oparara Powelliphanta, Oparara, New Zealand IIMG_7744

Powelliphanta annectens Oparara Powelliphanta, Oparara, New Zealand IMG_7762
Rhytida stephenensis

Rhytida stephenensis, Takapourewa, New Zealand 023

Rhytida stephenensis, Takapourewa, New Zealand 024

Rhytida stephenensis, Takapourewa (Stephens Island), New Zealand